Our team consists of highly experienced certified welders. Welding is not skill that can be left to chance or guessing. It needs to be done with controlled processes.
With an unrivaled level of detailed workmanship, our highly skilled craftsmen take pride in consistently producing the highest quality weldments and assemblies, cost-effectively and on time, to ensure complete customer satisfaction. Our TIG welders are also certified in D1.1, D1.2, and D1.3 covering multiple joints, positions, materials, and thicknesses.
With our vast knowledge of welding and fabrication, we can ensure the proper technique is used to produce a quality product at an efficient cost. We work closely with customers to understand their exact needs and are able to cost-effectively engineer and produce welding fixtures to achieve precise alignment and maintain tight tolerances. Like our TIG welders, our MIG welders are also certified in D1.1, D1.2, and D1.3 covering multiple joints, positions, materials, and thicknesses.

Resistance welding also is known as spot-welding gives PMP another type of weld processing to our toolbox of welding. This form of welding will allow the right amount of material fusion with the least amount of thermal heat transfer. Spot-welding of steel, stainless steel and aluminum are all possibilities at PMP.